Francis: Yes, they certainly know how to keep order... (general nodding)... let's face it, they're the only ones who could in a place like this. (more general murmurs of agreement) Reg: All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us? Xerxes: Brought peace! Reg: (very angry, he's not having a good meeting at all) What!? Oh... (scornfully) Peace, yes... shut up!
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What have the Romans ever done for us?
Can you please name the positive aspects that the Romans introduced to our living?
What have the Romans ever done for us? (rhetorical question/implicature: There is nothing that the Romans have ever done for us.
dependent elements, may differentiate between meanings or carry meaning themselves (e.g. phoneme, grapheme, morpheme)
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independent elements, may consist of subelements and carry meaning (e.g. word)
structure of two or more elements, expandable, may be composed ad hoc or be established components (e.g. phraseme, single phrase, figure).
one or more elements and/or complex elements, which may be structurally linked and form a self-contained unit of meaning (e.g. sentence; group of figures)
the part of a whole which carries a message, is thematically essentially self-contained, and which is structurally and/or thematically separated from the whole it belongs to (e.g. section of text/discourse/speech; picture (with cotext))
network of thematically, structurally and/or functionally linked sub-units, separated and independent from other complexes, and complete in itself (e.g. text; discourse; speech; poem; dramatic text; picture and circumstances of reception)
an in principle indefinite amount of thematically, structurally and/or functionally comparable complexes (e.g. thematically, structurally and/or functionally linked texts/discourses/speeches/pictures in comparison; political debate)
Rhetorical Question: implicit statement: There is nothing that the Romans have ever done for us., non answer-eleciting question Information-Seeking Question: wh-question, open answer set, knowledge gap, that is meant to be closed